Sunlu PLA+

Hi and Welcome!

As @senator.smiles says, the generic settings for PLA usually work well.
I’ve used the SUNLU PLA+, but not on my X1C yet, it’s nice stuff.

You might also look into getting OrcaSlicer to replace Bambu Studio. They’re like 95% the same, but OrcaSlicer adds a bunch of Calibrations and some advanced settings (which are optional but nice to have for certain projects).

BL Studio actually has code from SoftFever the person who does OrcaSlicer, BL and he do a lot of sharing.

I did a long PSA about it for new people in the Bambu world here (Click Blue Link):

You might take 5 mins and give it a read. Be sure to follow the Blue Links, they take you to where you can see the Calibrations.

It has things like two click Temp Towers and Flow Rate tests to let you dial in your exact filament’s settings for perfect results, something that’s suggested for each filament. Fortunately you only have to do it once and save the settings for one click use later. :+1:

BTW- What are you planning for that filament?