Super simple DIY garolite G10 build plate for X1C

Thats one of my favourite functions of the G10 plates, I’ve been using my BL plates for a few jobs recently and having a b1tch of a time getting them off.

(here I am complaining about too much adhesion :roll_eyes:)

Printing black filament on black garolite is very hard to observe on the built-in camera with the default lighting. It’s all too dark to see any detail. I definitely need to upgrade the X1C lighting before I run into trouble.

I received my Lightspeed garolite build plates today. This will speed things up considerably, because now I can remove a build plate as soon as the print finishes and put in a fresh plate, ready to start printing right away.

Edit: now printing to the white Lightspeed plate. It’s not smooth like the garolite I had been experimenting with. It has a subtle texture to it that probably helps in getting prints to stick to it.

The installation instructions only call for it to be cleaned with warm soapy water. There is no mention of scrubbing with a blue Scotch-Brite pad, or anything of the sort. Printing now… We’ll see how well it sticks.

I have a very different experience of the stellar white than yours…

I have 3 Lightyear plates - a black first gen preorder that had a surface deformation issue from a high stress Polycarbonate part that warped badly, and adhesive attempts to hold it down caused the warping part to pull hard enough on the build plate to give it a permanent hickey.

The free warranty replacement plate is a black gen 2 and has been trouble free.

I also have the new white plate and it is either a first or second run batch. The plate has worked beautifully and like the black plates has an outstanding magnetic pull to the Bambu bed. The only issue I have had with this plate is that I inadvertently rubbed off part of the QR code doing the initial wash with a nylon scrubbing sponge. To address this, I had some Wham Bam replacement high temp stickers laying around and placed one of those over the original screen printed one that I messed up. I have had no warping issues, lidar issues, or any issues to speak of. Parts adhere great, I wipe down with IPA between prints, and swap out plates between parts to let the previous part cool completely before removing.


For small size prints I’ve not had any problems as yet. The only issue I’ve encountered so far is with pulling up at the corners on really big prints that almost cover the entire plate. An example of that would be:

I’m not sure whether that’s due to my inexperience on how to cope with that particular problem or something else. Maybe it’s unavoidable, or at least common, no matter what build plate you try it on, because the corners are so close to the edges.

Next time I’ll try it with the mouse ears.

Reporting back: I tried it again, but this time with mouse ears. No problems this time.
It held perfectly flat. I am pleased.

Edit: I didn’t have to use any adhesives or anything extra.

The lidar does seem to complain when scanning grey filament against the black Lightspeed. I don’t think I’ve seen it complain with the white Lightspeed, but I’m not 100% sure. I’ll attempt to pay closer attention going forward.