Hey guys ! Brand new user right here hehe Loving it !
Just having a minor problem with the 1st layer of my supports that cant be removed from the model. Bottom Z distance is at default right now ( 0.2mm) . Using rainbow PLA filament , standard speed. Nothing extraordinary.
I just want the 1st layer to not stick… Can someone help me out with this ? Using normal manual supports (Snug).
The pictures will make this easier to understand !
I don’t know all your settings or this part but can you index it at a diffrent angle on the bed ?
Also lower your z distance to 0.1 - 0.16 and top interface spacing to 0.3 this will help but I always use petg or pva and usm support filaments for top interface layers on all my parts to get the best suface when I need to use supports.
If you have the Bambu lab breakaway support w you can use it as a 2 top layer interface if that all you have for now but just don’t support large flat surace area’s with it or can be hard to release the supports from your part.
Hey ! thanks for the reply. Lowering the bottom Z distance ? Someone told me to increase this value. Im all mixed up.
Could try using other filaments for supports ! Its just weird to me , tree supports do not do this but regular does. Its the support interface layer bonding to the model
Top Z distance settings will widen the gap between the support and the object it’s supporting. You might also need to widen support/object xy distance too.
O ok sorry I was think it was the top of the model you was having a problem with you are putting the supports onto the part.
Just so you know I have also done the bottom Z distance @ .16 and .1 and the xy @ .5 to .7 depending on the model but the best way would be 3 concentric interface layers using an support filament as the interface or unless you can get the tree supports to go around the base ?
One other thing I have done in the past is pause the print and put painters tape down on the part add some glue stick to the top of the tape and print the supports on the tape
Hmm what you are showing me is the Top Z distance which isnt my problem. And the xy separation is the gap xy between object and support.
My problem as shown in pictures( at the top of my post) is the 1st layer ( Bottom Z) of the supports… This makes no sense buddy.
The very beggining of the supports is bonding too much to the base, not the hand !! so i have to figure out the Bottom Z or maybe use other filament for support
Oh, okay. I understand now. You are trying to put support on top of something else you already printed. I thought he support was sticking to the hand on the side near the base. Sorry for the confusion.
I don’t think increasing bottom z distance will come off cleanly. Using other filament as “support base” and “support interface” is probably your best option, but it still might not come off completely clean. You might be able to use some crazy tree support that comes up from the side that works, but you’d probably have to manually paint it.
I came by this conversation by searching for a different issue 18 months later . However, another person can also read these comments in future. That’s why I am writing my solution. Increasing initial layer expansion to i.e. 10 mm. always works for me to have very solid and stick support base.