Support For PLA not sticking


I am having problems printing a 18 hours model from PLA Matte with support for PLA as interface material. I think the problems start before laying the interface layer, as the previous layer is not smooth. Then when the interface layer (from support for PLA) is printed, it clumps up and rises on the edges.
All material is from BL.
Printer is X1C, fairly new, has printed around 5kg of material until now.
RP24. (1.3 MB)

I am printing with the door opened halfway 30 deg.
Photo1 - I can already tell that the support layer before the interface has some problems (the raised clumps)
Photo2 - The interface material is printed over the bad surface (not flat) and it makes even more clumps.
Photo3 - The interface material pulls back from the edges of the part. Makes even more clumps.
Photo4 - PLA layer over uneven interface material. Has clumps under the layer.
Photo5 - Resulting surface. In some places is ok, in other places (bottom) the interface material (support for PLA) causes “craters” in the parts as I dig it up from the part. Also it is very hard to remove especially from places without access (higher slots on the part)
Photo6 - Printing temperatures of the system.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you.