Support G in black

It would be great to have Support G in black to match PAHT-CF or other black filaments. I am printing production parts and 99% of the support comes off super easily and cleanly, the problem is that the tiny amounts of bright support that are left are super visible and quite labour intensive to carefully remove one-by-one.

Support-G is what you’re supposed to use for PA. I don’t know that green is any better than white for this. You may want to experiment with support distance, etc. I have not found Support-W to leave traces on PLA (which it’s made for.)


Yes, I’m printing with PAHT-CF as far as I know Support G is the compatible support material. I can get the support to come cleanly off with increased support distances but then the finish on my supported face is worse.

Try ABS or ASA in place of support G.

Works much better and colour choice is not important as it separates cleanly!

I had a similar issue with PLA and Support W. A toothbrush, some warm water and a bit of scrubbing removed the tiny residue traces rather easily. Did you try that already?