Support is terrible!

Well let’s hope BL reads these threads at the higher levels. I have not seen many engineers or brainiacs that are good at the management end. Which is just fine. Do as Henry Ford did and know your limitations. Hire to fill those shortfalls. A small point, but a customer service exec on top of his game would have realized he had a training problem when he asked the gentleman that started this thread to send him his email address. Just a little rephrasing would have eliminated the hard feelings e.g “ can I verify your address”.
Being out of stock for something as simple as Filomena is an unforced error. Business do not survive not having what they sell. If they had logistics exec he would have seen this problem quickly and solved it. If it is lack of funds they could employ a factoring agency. I own business and read every customer inquiry or complaint. Best learning tool there is. You may think your great, but if your customers don’t it will not matter.

Why should I sell my printer and delete my account ? I have an opinion, whether you like or not. If you don’t like these discussions, may be not take part . It remains a fact that many people have problems getting decent reply from support. there is a wiki, there just no* people around in the FB group or here, giving official reply (pointing to that wiki which does explain and help a lot). With a prpobably massive amount of new guys, there should be a daily dose of “please refer to the Wiki” posts which would be help many people to cover their first shock, of the hardware does not perform as expected. (* no equilavent next to nothing). To rely simply on the crowd aka community is not good enough. If people would read the Wiki and know what to search for, live would be easier. But how should someone know what to search for if he/she is new ? I know that Qidi e.g. does have a somewhat dificult start , dropped their product to early into the market, but their level of support is outstanding. Just read their forum. For sure, once the early probs are solved, they will have a great product. And yes, before you say, may be I will then move along.

I am not saying “you” mr1955 should sell your printer, I am making a statement to those disgruntled owners who gripe and complain about the POS printer and POS customer service and keep griping and complaining.

They voiced their opinion, they were corrected on any misconceptions, offered lots of help, and they keep on griping.

They need to climb down off their cross, build a bridge with it, and get over it. The BL series of printers and ecosystem is not for them. Best of luck with their next venture.


3d printing is not working like a ink jet printer that require absolutely no knowledge. And even with ink jet printers, some knowledge about the hard- and software is required and most companies won’t offer you that knowledge on a silver plate. They tell you to read the manual and their support pages if you do not know how to switch the ink cardiges.

In my humble opinion support from the company is not required to fix all errors from users, specially not on a more complex machine. The marketing was also not targeted mainly to lure new people into 3d printing. I see it as the responsibility of the user to learn the machine and how to operate it properly, and the manufacturer’s responsibility is to supply a decent manual, which Bambu Lab clear has done with the wiki. And on many errors, there is a link to the wiki page attached to as well.

Not saying the real problems of firmware and hardware should not be handled faster and with less stalling, but many of the complains have been simple user errors and lack of knowledge.

And about the presence on the community forum…well, it is a community forum, where users help users. It might have been a wise decision to hire a community manager to care more for this place, but this isn’t the official support pipeline, but the place were users can learn from others and get help. The place where all the user errors should go, and not directly at the ticket system.


I agree with original post. Support is terrible. Two weeks ago, I’ve experiences same issue, when bed was lowered to bottom half, bed temperature dropped to zero.

Since BambuLab support didn’t respond in 24 hours, I followed the guide on their website on how to replace heatbed cable. After removing the cable, I’ve verified, that one of wires in cable was broken. I’ve updated the ticket with my findings and since the cable is just 6-pin JST Micro cable, nothing special, I’ve ordered replacement cable from local eshop. Cable was delivered next day. Be careful when sourcing parts for X1C from other places then Bambu Eshop and make sure that they are compatible. For example if wires in the cable were crossed, maybe ground and earth switched, that could damage electronics in heatbed. I’ve verified with multimeter that cable from local shop is compatible with X1C and managed to get my X1C working again in 48 hours.

At that time, I was still waiting for response on my ticket. Week later, Bambu finally shipped me a new heatbed cable and I’m still waiting for it to be delivered. Original heatbed cable lasted about 8 months with 10 rolls of fillament printed, we’ll see how long is non-bambu replacement is going to last. It could break at any time, therefore it’s good to have spare on hand.

BambuLab support responded on my ticket for the first time after 4 days - that should definitely be improved.

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Hi all,

I received my X1C last week and I immediately had the message with hotbed not working …
I check the cable and everything seems fine, si I made a ticket for an exchange …
7 days later still no response, I’m starting to feel nervous about it, I paid 1300€ for nothing.
This really is an anxious system …

Hi, and Welcome to the Forum!

It’s sad you’re having issues with you printer, but if you start a new post, not continue in this one you’ll find there’s some pretty helpful and knowledgeable people here.

Who knows, you may have a very simple issue!

Please give as much detail as you can when you make your post, and make it in the proper Section. Go to the Main page and look on the right, for his it’s probably this one (click the Blue Link):

The Support team is quite overloaded with the sudden “viral” surge of sales, many users being completely new to 3D printing, so a lot of ‘not knowing the basics’ going on. BL is ramping up the Support team but it takes a fair amount of time, so be patient, they’ll get to you.

The people here are just other users but many have been printing for years or even Pros who have dozens of machines. :grin:

Go make a new post with the details, you’ll get some help, but this isn’t the place to find it, at the bottom of a months old post. :wink:


If you’re in the UK I’ll buy one for the right price.

Hit me up my dude, I’ll snag one off you! I don’t have to run a farm so I can deal with their 4 day wait time on responses!

Hello. I’ve been waiting for almost 1 month for support to see what can be done with my P1s that fails 90% of the time to read the sd card because it has a defective pin. I already sent pictures and videos but nobody wants to give a solution.
Ticket No: US230811947001

Just to let you know, I have been in a similar situation. I’m currently filing a lawsuit against Bambu Labs. I still, after 2+ months of being jerked around (being asked to write out my support number on paper, then take a picture of it with the part to PROVE I’m not lying to get free parts) I still do not have a working printer. The last thing I was told was, the part that seems to be defective also happens to be the only part that is not covered under warranty.

By far, in over 30 years of building PC systems and dealing with all sorts of vendors, Bambu Labs has the worst customer support I’ve ever experienced. They do NOT value your time and will do everything possible to simply make you go away.

I repeatedly asked to simply return the item and they refused.

I’ve posted my enter experience over on my Linked.In page since a lot of my connections are industry leaders, executives and people who have the ability to decide what products to buy for their large corporations. For me, I was asked to recommend replacement 3D printers for our university’s Maker Space since they need to purchase around 30-35 new machines. Until dealing with Bambu Labs support, I was going to eagerly recommend they be the company to go with. Now, not a chance on earth I will recommend them to anyone.

Again…small claims court and I say good luck, getting ANYTHING


Its a great printer, I purchased it because of the Lidar and all it can do for the operator.

I opened a ticket on the 1st and it is still unresolved. I was send a set of boards and a new Lidar Unit but after install the LED light on the Lidar never worked. I spent close to 8 hours testing it and checking wires again and again Sunday and supplied support a lot of info. It actually took me a while to release the LED never came on as I really never paid that much attention to it.

Support says its a calibration label I have tried to tell them that the LED light never comes on and due to no light or low light it is not able to read the print bed id either. I did this test with a new bed, Sent a screen shot of the error being might have a bad LED and cannot read print bed

Again its a great printer but support is very difficult to work with and leaves us with printers that are not full operational for weeks, when it could have been resolved in half the time.

Quality control look to cause part of the issues. This was a new Lidar unit for me and bad out of the box

any help you can provide please do.

I had an issue recently where my X1C Webcam started showing the image as pink tinted with static as chamber temps increased. This started when printing PC with 100c bed temp, and over a period of a few months grew progressively worse that it would happen on short PLA prints. I opened a case with Bambu support in the Handy app, submitting printer logs and pictures for evidence. I had an acknowledgement from support and confirmed replacement part shipment within 12 hours. All updates to the case were measured in hours, not days. Granted this was a relatively simple and straightforward case, but support was excellent.


@BrotherC I have two terrible support tickets. Can you please check it? I wait now for two weeks for any answer. I missing my order and have problems with broken webcam on a new printer! Please help!

@BrotherC Thank you very much for the quick response. I am aware that waiting times can be a little longer when there are few employees and public holidays, but not for weeks on end. I have sent you my ticket IDs again. It would be nice if I could get an update today. After all, I have paid for the goods and the new printer I received is faulty!

In all my life I never had a so terrible support experience as with bambulab

@BrotherC I can understand that you are on public holidays, but these holidays are only on 09.02.2024. Why have you not received any feedback for over a week?

On the one hand, I am waiting for paid products that are simply not being sent (although they are in stock) and on the other hand, I have a defective printer where the spare parts have not yet been sent to me either.

I wonder why so many people are complaining here. The Bambu Lab products are really great and super but you also need good support.

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I have been researching 3d printers to make my 1st purchase, and was very interested in the Bambu Lab printers, since they have great reviews. I had some pre-sale questions, and emailed them in, since I couldn’t find any phone numbers to call. 1st time took 4 days and the email ended up in my spam folder, so I can’t fault them for that, but I have since sent in another email with questions, and have yet to get an answer. I have to say, that when I am looking to purchase from a company, and they don’t seem to give a ■■■■ on answering questions for Pre Sales, it doesn’t really matter if the product is great or not. After seeing all the issues here with customer service, I have to think I am going to move on and buy from a different company. Not a good look for possible new customers.

Unfortunately, the support issue won over the quality of the printers. Still no response from a simple pre-sales question. I ended up ordering a Qidi Max 3. I received a response from them in about 3 hours after emailing them a pre sales question. The updated models reviews are good. I may look at a Bambu later, if they get their support issue fixed.