I haven’t been able to find a setting for this. The supports would be much easier to remove if the support material and interface layer were extended outside the model.
Also, I think the edge of the printed part would come out better if it wasn’t right at the edge of the printed interface layer material.
Not that I am aware of…unless you have set the support style to snug. If you did, just revert it back to default.
Another way option would be to try out tree hybrid support in the slicer and have a look if the support structures are placed better accessible then.
Combine that with “On Buildplate Only” and it should be outside of the model.
I think I may have it figured out, at least for this model. I added a 45-degree chamfer on the bottom edges (left model) where the support interface was too close to the edge. It looks like from the slicing that it’s going to add just enough more. Going to test this out in a few minutes when the other print finishes.