Sync Filaments with AMS: Sync or Resync?

Is there a description of what the difference is between these two options in Bambu Studio when clicking the Sync button in the Prepare tab?

  • Sync
  • Resync

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My understanding is that Sync sends your current config to the AMS and Resync pulls the configuration from the AMS.


I interpret this differently - all syncs are from the AMS to Bambu Studio (or Orca), and never to the AMS.

Sync: Assigns a System Preset or Generic Preset in the slicer only for AMS slots for which the filament spool has been changed. The presets (system or customised) for other spools/slots in the slicer will not be changed.

Resync: Re-assigns a System Preset or Generic Preset in the slicer for all AMS slots, effectively overwriting any custom settings.

After a Sync or Resync the System Preset or Generic Preset can be customised and saved as a new global or project-specific preset. Alternatively, a User Preset can be assigned to a slot.


I have ask that question before. Not sure what is meant by “preset”,

Looks to me what the difference is:
Sync: sends the command to the AMS to read the NFC tags. then pulls that into Bambu slicer.
ReSync: grabs the current settings From the AMS. If empty it doesn’t change Bambu Studio. Allowing you to load the filament before starting the print.
I have yet to verify this. Complicated by my Bambu Studio is not next to the printer.
Most of the time I use “reSync”.

I find the outcome unpredictable when using Sync (only changes) so always Resync (matches what’s in the AMS completely).


Even when opening/importing a downloaded project from Makerworld, I Resync as the project filaments are never the same as I have.