Temp Question

I have been 3d printing for a while but just got my X1C. I have a dumb question. I always tried to use the spool temp min and max setting to tune my filament. I was getting hit or miss prints with my WAMBAM Smooth Plate. When they were good, they were really good but when they were bad. They went really bad. So, I just tried something with my X1C and I am getting much better prints. Almost professional. I upped my temp to 240 and build plate at 60 - 65. I am so happy with the prints but the spool I am using says max 230. SO… My question is, do I concern myself with what the spool temp says or just do what prints well. Am I hurting anything by giving it more heat? Like I said, the prints look great, and adhesion is a non-issue when I do this.

Thank you in advance for any response.

Welcome to the forum.

Yes, often 3rd party filament will need extra temperature added to what is spec’d on the spool. Print at what temperature gives you the best prints. Temp towers are often a good way to dial in filament.


Thank you so much for your quick response. Just note I tried a print tower but seems it didn’t give me great results once I set it to what I thought was a good temp on the print tower. I was thinking the print tower I used maybe was adjusting speed or something but I’m not sure. Thank you again for the response.

You’ll more than likely find that you need to run higher temps with the X1C. This is mostly be due to the hardened steel nozzle which has lower thermal conductivity and so requires higher temperatures in order to preform as well. Your average 3D printer will typically come with a brass nozzle which has very high thermal conductivity and filament manufacturers tend to target those.