Terrible experience with heatbed replacement

I received that initial [Action required] e-mail from the sales team that had an extra paragraph detailing how they wanted me to take 3 specific pictures, but I can’t because they never explained what pictures they want. The reference photo they sent me doesn’t exist. This really feels like Bambu is doing everything they can to keep people from claiming that discount code. The second picture I uploaded there is the page you get if you try to open the image in another tab.

Also, can someone explain why I was censored for no apparent reason on Discord when I posted this? There is nothing offensive or inappropriate about those pictures

I’m in Canada, and I got the exact same thing when I opened that email… Hoping more explanation comes when the heated arrives

Ditto for me as well. I responded to a recent Tweet they posted saying that it was missing, so they responded to it… Grrr… I told them I’m not the only one and maybe they should read these forums - clearly they haven’t yet! Their comms folks need to do a self-check as they are missing the mark on this one. Here’s their X response to my comment (Bambu, you can etransfer me enough for an X1 for my time to solve your comms issue!) :rofl: :


This is awesome, thank you. I’m also sharing on Discord as there is at least one other user looking for it there too.

Thank You
That helps a lot, otherwise I would have videoed the wholw thing and uploaded that.

The email I got had the same issue with the missing pictures!

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Everyone that received that email has the same problem. I guess it was censored because of too much spam of the same thing. When you will receive your next email with the bed info, you will get the right pictures.