Textured bed sheets

anyone have issues with the textured sheets? I got like 1 or 2 uses out of mine but even with letting the print cool - when I removed the print, it quite literally pulled up parts of the sheet. This is with the original black textured sheets that came with all my X1C printers - I do not have that issue with the gold ones that came with my P1S printers. These 3 sheets are literally trash and unusable - both sides are like this. I got 3 maybe 4 prints from each side. It also made a lot of post processing as the bedsheet was literally part of the print so I had to sit and dig out all the pieces.`

Yup that’s a cheap original bambu plate. Gold ones do it as well just not as easy as the original.

If you want a good textured plate the best you can get is https://thekkiinng.com/


My original P1P sheet (Black Textured) has seen 100’s of prints and is still spotless. The only sign of wear is the rear rub point, and I rarely wait to remove prints. PLA prints come off as soon as they finish printing (unless the surface flatness is important), but I don’t ever pull off PETG prints until they cool. Too much adhesion.

Do you pull off PETG prints soon after printing? If you do, try using glue. Glue will give you a sacrificial layer of PVA that will not rip the build plate on removal.

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thank you - will look at these.

I do not have issues when removing PLA prints - it is always with the PETG prints. And I typically wait 10-15 mins. Also, I don’t like to use glue as it leaves discoloration on the prints.

That’s expected. PETG is well known for sticking to much. I never had issues with the Bambu, but in an S1 Pro, I lost part of the PEI sheet surface with PETG.
The issue is mentioned in other brands, as you may find in the Prusa forum, and the recommendation is to use a glue stick to help release the print.

as previously stated i dont use glue as it leaves discoloration on the prints.

If you don’t want to use glue stick try dropping your bed temp by 5-10C.

ok will try that - but I have had to toss the original black textured
sheets - the gold ones I have had no issues with. I was curious if I was the only one having issues with the original black ones.

Additionally, since you are having issues with destroying PEI sheets, I would suggest dropping the bed temp significantly. Lower temps = less adhesion, generally (other variables can cancel out the temp drops). So I’d drop at least 10C first and see how it sticks. If its comes loose, add 5C. If it still tighter than you’d like drop 5C more.

This is the second time you suggested it - I thanked you the first time. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I didn’t make it clear. The second clarification was to suggest you go more aggressive than normal to protect against additional PEI sheet damage.

switched all 6 bambus to the gold textured sheets - zero issues now.

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