Textured Build plate experience

Here’s a little update! After a LOT of experimentation and reading, I found out that this whole thing is actually more probably user error! I ended up getting a suggested printbed from Sliceworx. It did adhere better, but with my current settings, I was still getting the corner lift.
Here’s what the fix ended up being: The bed was too hot! Basically, my bed temps were keeping the first few layers of the print too hot, and therefore too soft. And it was that material condition that led to the corners being able to be “picked up” in the printing process and easily lifted from the bed. I feel kind of stupid about it, but I guess that’s the way these things go. Interestingly enough, this was not one of the things that the Bambu ticket brought up when reviewing my print settings.
I still need to try things out with original textured bed, but I’m suspecting it will largely confirm my resolution so far.