Th board question

im trying to troubleshoot my brand new p1s is this board pose to have a green status light like the mc does I’m thinking one of these boards are bad as it shows an error code no communication everything else works except the toolhead and the parts cooler is on 100% and the controller says its off

Hi @user_3115060863

Sorry to read about problems with a new printer.
Can you be more assertive regarding the problem? I felt difficulty reading a long text in a single sentence. I’m not an English native, though.
Also add the info stated in the errors: such number


What error are you getting exactly?

HMS_0500-0300-0001-0002 it also will not download the newest firmware

Go through these steps, even if you have already. Document the steps so if you have to put in a ticket you will have done what they’ll ask.

I’m willing to be one connector is not in all the way or correctly.

What lead to this?

ive done everything in that guild

What caused this?

not sure i pulled it out of the box this morning and it was doing this

It really helps if you don’t use words like “it” and instead explicitly state everything clearly.

When I read “pulled it out of the box”, my questions are what specifically did you take out of what box. You’re familiar with what you’ve done and what you see but we don’t have a clue.

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I don’t know if there is a language barrier or what but usually when someone asks for help they give enough information so help can be given,

When you come here asking for help we need more than the error.
We need to know if you were printing when the error happened and what happened when you got the error. Has anytihng happened (did the head move, where did it move, how did it move. Did the bed move, is this the first time, what have you done to try and resolve)


What you’ve provided so far isn’t near enough to offer anything beyond the wiki.
I’ll help you, or I’ll try. Others wil as well, but you have to give them a fighting chance. No one reads minds.

At this point I’ve lost interest. I slept in, have a headache and am no where near finishing my cup of coffee.

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Since you guys want to complain about lack of info its brand new out of box literally just turned it on wont even calibrated nor update to the recent firmeware th has no green power light on when bambu tech support sent a video showing that board should i found another user online with exactly the same promblem and the mc board was bad

Then why come here and ask for help?
Are we mind readers? You said nothing but “out of the box”.

Litterally more in that run on sentence than in any of your other posts. Please tell us how we are supposed to help? If you didn’t want help why post?

Yet you’re saying it’s your TH board. So again, what are we supposed to glean from that.

And it wasn’t a complaint about lack of info. It was frustration. This is a great example of how people ask for help then get mad when they don’t get it, or get frustrated when that happens.