The back of models are very rough

I’ve had my P1S for about a month and a half now and I’m having an issue with print quality now and I’ve exhausted everything I can think of. Essentially, the “back” of every model is extremely rough compared to the front. When the printer is running I can also hear a “grinding” in the back as though the hot end is rubbing too close to the model. It doesn’t matter where the print head goes on the plate, the “back side” of each model will be rough, even when there are multiple models on the plate. By “Back” I mean the side of the model facing the back of the machine. I reset my machine to factory which worked the first time it happened (earlier in the week) but it’s back to being junky. Perhaps I fixed it and then when I ran a calibration it put it made it fail again? I also got a new Micro SD card to see if that would help (nope). I tried to manually bed level as I thought maybe the bed screw in the back was too tight (it was, but adjusting this didn’t fix the issues). It really doesn’t matter what model, Filament, I use, the results are the same. Perhaps one of my profile’s settings could be causing this? If anyone needs a screenshot of a particular setting let me know.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Here is an image of what I mean:

looks like where the Aux fan blows print a diverter or turn it off with a filament profile… its really pretty useless in most cases anyhow. My guess is it blows into the side of model and wraps to the back where the air is trapped where the front air can escape easier

I’ve run it before when the Aux fan is off and it was fine (but not recently). It’s pretty cold in my basement where my printer is so I thought that might be a possibility. The next test I run i’ll turn off the aux fan and see if that helps. What do you think would cause the “grinding” is as the hot end swings around the back of the model?

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perhaps your bed is warped or something making it higher on back end… did you say you ran calibration and bed leveling lately? might need to try that if you havent

Is there a way to test if my bed is warped? I have run calibration quite a bit, it doesn’t seem to help unfortunately :(. I reset to factory which seemed to help on the first couple prints (not perfect) but then it just kept getting worse. What’s weird is that it’s junking up all models in the back. So if I had 9 circles on a plate, the backs of each circle would be messed up. It’s the weirdest thing hence why I’m stumped. I can’t figure it out. it’s not happening in a particular part of the plate, it’s happening only in the back half of every model! Incredibly frustrating that there doesn’t seem to be a logical explanation to it and I can’t find this particular issue anywhere else online. :(.

Also note that i did run some maintenance a few weeks ago (I’ve been printing a lot). The issues I’m having didn’t appear immediately after I cleaned/greased the z-axis screws and lubed the bearings in the back, but I really hope nothing got messed up with that. I followed along a tutorial sanctioned by Bambu.