I’m using an X1-Carbon and the filament wouldn’t pull back in the middle of a multi colored print. The filament was loose from the hot end and I’m able to remove it but the extruder wouldn’t let go of it. It’s as it the Extruder is jammed or lost power or something. Any help?
Hi @Wylie
What’s the error message code that you are getting?
How did you check it is blocked at the extruder but not at the hot end?
In case of an extruder clog, as you describe, you can remove the PTFE tube at the extruder inlet and try to assist the filament unload process. If that doesn’t work, I don’t advise working the print running, as you can damage some components. I would assume the loss and restart the work (Extruder clog | Bambu Lab Wiki).
If not acceptable, you can (not advisable) pull the power cord, deal with the extruder clog, and resume power loss. Note: Your print will likely have a noticeable artifact at the current layer, even if successful.
That is heat creep for you
Unless you want to break things get a slim bladed hobby knife and cut through the filament after taking the extruder out.
With the spring removed and the lever out of the way a bit you have just enough room to cut between the hole and wheel.
I had that a lot with glow filament until I swapped to the E3D.
With the current head design and flimsy airflow from the tiny fan heat creek is always possible.
One the chamber temp is above or close to the softening temp of the filament there just isn’t enough cooling possible.
Thanks for the replies. I did end up using the clogged extruder information on Bambu‘s wiki and that corrected the problem. There was simply a jammed piece of filament in the extruder itself that needed to be removed. I’ve just never experienced it before so I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, but that’s all that needed to be done.
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