The "thermal grease" packet the X1C comes with... for lead screws?

After about 5 successful prints, the printer suddenly announced the “lead screws may need lubrication”. Ok, that seems early, but I’m game. But the recommended grease on the wiki is not included with the printer, and what is included with the printer is a tiny foil packet just labelled “thermal grease.” I don’t see anything that indicates that it belongs on the lead screws; it sounds instead like stuff you use for thermal conductivity on parts that get hot. Before I do something stupid; is that intended for use on the moving parts?

Apologies if this is actually covered somewhere in the manual - I have VERY poor vision and have trouble finding details. From what I see on the wiki, the foil packet is never mentioned and the recommended grease is some food-safe goo that probably costs a lot, so I’m also looking for reasonable alternatives. But for now I just want to know if that thermal grease packet is what’s intended. Thanks.

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The silver packets you are referring to are for the Thermistor and ceramic heater.

Personally, I use this…

for the lead screws. $8.59 on Amazon and it lasts a long time.


Thank you. I knew it didn’t sound right and you just saved me from a mess. Really surprised the X1C doesn’t come with grease, especially since it needed it so soon…


You will also get that error if you accidentally prohibit the movement of the bed. I found this out by accident, and I got that error. I would keep getting it until I “ran” the maintenance of lead screws lubrication.


BTW, if you have poor vision and your finances permit it, you might want to look into these. I use these nerdy things for my detail painting all the time. They work really well and an added benefit, it scares the hell out of my birds. :grin:


Thanks. Those look better than what I’m using now. My real problem is contrast and not just magnification, but with luck the illumination will help. Ordered along with the grease.


Thermal grease is to increase thermal conductivity and it is for use on the hot end thermistor.
There might be a second packet of grease that can be used for the lead screws. Some printers came with it and others did not.

Are you referencing the copper-colored bags that are labeled “lubricant grease”? Just got my printer and guessing these are the ones meant to lube the lead screws

HI Scott, my X1C came with some thermal and some lubrication grease. The lubrication grease was in a small black envelop. This contains a tiny bag with lubrication grease. It i labeled on an even smaller tag that says “lubrication grease”.


Mine didn’t come with lubricant. It’s ok, the error hasn’t repeated and I’m still able to print, and I ordered lubricant, but the fact that the error popped up in the first week of use and the printer didn’t come with extra is a little worrying.

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Hey, I just bought this (Super Lube Multi-Purpose Synthetic Oil with Syncolon 4 oz Bottle) thinking it’s the same product, what do you reckon?

Sorry It doesn’t let me post pictures or links for some reason.

Also, how do I reach the back z lead screw? seems a bit tight.

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No, it isn’t the same product. I have that as well and use it to lubricate the idler pulleys, though this doesn’t need to be done as often as the other routine maintenance…

Bambu Lab X1 Maintenance Recommendation | Bambu Lab Wiki

To clean the back screw, I recommend picking up a cheap toothbrush and dabbing some grease on that and spreading it across the screw. A little goes a long way so best not to overdo it.

I’ve come to learn that though the X1C is an awesome printer, it can also be compared to the story of the “boy who cried wolf”. Meaning, it throws up alarms quite often, which more often than not, can be ignored. I recommend you set up a schedule of routine maintenance, and just stick to it. I clean both of my printers from top to bottom, once a month.

Bambu Lab X1 Maintenance Recommendation | Bambu Lab Wiki

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Thanks, I looked around online and it seems people like to use the oil for the linear rails and the grease for z-rods. it also seems the oil is also good for z rods but requires more frequent application.

Also thanks for the brush idea, I may use it next time. I just got some vinyl gloves and stuck my hand in the rear of the printer and applied the grease with my fingers (gloves on ofc) and it did it’s thing.


Sounds good. The toothbrush idea is mostly because I am one of those annoying neat freaks. :clown_face:

Oh dude, tell me about it. With the s1 pro, I was using a paper towel to clean the z rods, I’d use my nails to scrape away the gunk in the the gaps


Yes I would also perfer this. Love this stuff used for years on other printers.

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Are you talking about the Z rods or the lead screws when you mention using your nails to clean the gaps?

To clean lead screws I just use a piece of string. Turn on the motor and the string moves along the length by itself and I just feed more string as it gets dirty.

Z rods mate :slight_smile: and it was mostly for other printers. I havent had to clean out the x1c yet since mines new. I like the brush idea though so ill be using a clean tooth brush for it going forward.

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one also designed some tool for it :wink: