Dr. Tao,
Your customers are upset.
They feel like they’ve had functionality taken away in the name of security. And, the security itself is not well implemented, so it makes people suspect other motives are at play - even if your intentions are good.
With the changes you propose, I imagine you are thinking something along the lines of:
“Only a tiny percentage of our users want direct, unfettered control of their machines. Most people just want the machine to work - every time, like an appliance. We need to protect that goal.”
You are 100% right.
But, there is another way to look at this.
Though you have succeeded brilliantly in making an easy-to use “just works” experience – which is no small feat – the market for 3D printers is still small compared to nearly any other appliance or tool. Because of this, a very large percentage of new printer users turn to 3D printing experts, influencers, and respected forum commenters for their recommendations before buying. You need goodwill from “the small minority” for continued success.
As a successful business person myself, I fear that if you stick to your current approach – which feels to many people like you are simply trying to soothe with soft public-relations speak – your problems will spiral and you will loose all credibility. At that point, a successful company can become hated virtually overnight.
It is time to let go of your current approach - even if you feel you are right. It is not possible at this point to convince customers of your rightness. This isn’t about figuring out the right thing to say or the right way to say it – it is about doing the right thing.
You need to start over and formulate a new plan.
Begin by listening, really listening to what your advanced customers are asking for. Then, offer a supported, full featured “open mode” – but don’t worry that this will lead to the chaos of a hard-to-use product. If implemented well, the vast majority of your customers can and will simply use the “normal mode” with all of the restrictions and safeguards you deem necessary for secure ease-of-use.
Only through action can you show that you understand what people want and reclaim the huge reservoir of goodwill you have already lost. If the technically savvy folks can have open access to the machines they buy and own, this will bring out their interest, their creativity, their sense that the’ve been listened to, and their respect for your bold market-leading action. You will have an army of unpaid representatives selling your new printers for you.
Take this as an opportunity, a moment in time to set an example for the rest of the industry.
Please - don’t rely on a communications specialist, or public relations person to provide the next customer communication. The person to deliver the new plan for the way forward is you Dr. Tao.