Things Josh is Designing/Printing (Formally Mega Swatches)

Start using gloves, it is liberating. I don’t have to care how I touch the plate because I know I won’t leave a mark. I have a box of disposable nitrile gloves from home depot. I reuse the gloves many times. I have a pair set out for taking the plates in and out of the printer and removing the printed parts. I can put my fingers anywhere and bend the plate any way I want, so the removal is easier, faster and more comfortable.

I put out another pair for cleaning. I’m able to do a much better and more comfortable job when cleaning, because I am not trying to hold the plate at the edges but just hold it any which way, whatever is best and most comfortable for cleaning.

I wish I used gloves from the start, the experience is so much better, and I’m not exaggerating. At least that’s my experience.

I have all but 5-8 bearings on hand. Even have the thrust bearing.

Thanks for the heads up

@Josh-3D Sorry if this has been asked before but what are those dry boxes you are storing that filament in ?

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Ah, yup, as John linked! Those, or ones like them. I also use the dryboxes from ManuZiloop. I like his. ManuZiloop | Published - MakerWorld

In other news. My schedule got thrown out of whack! Ahh, I meant to have my lift table all finalized. It should have been out there helping uplift all y’alls moods.

Now see, someone accidently cut the tip of their finger off. I wont point fingers. It was me though, and that’s why I can’t point… I accidently cut it off. :sweat_smile: It wasn’t 3d printer related, don’t worry. Kitchen mishap.

Anyway, be careful around sharp things. Don’t get excited and forget safety first and always.

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Ahh, that whole mishap, and It just keeps making me think of the slic3r logo.

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Everytime I see that someones replied to this thread I wanna click.

Nearly every time I do I see I need to buy something.
Thank you Josh, for letting this instance not be one of those times. :grinning:



Almost finished!

This is the medium sized version. Going to release it along side the mini version. Will do the skateboard bearing sized versions later.


Here’s the different sizes. I know I said I’d wait on the skateboard bearing version, but nah. I’m test printing it now. I’m targeting the K1 Max and Prusa XL ones specific for the larger variants. Sorry Bambu, but until you have a large format printer yourself…!

I got the first two finished, but need to do photos and instructions.


he is not happy just trying to get us to use more filament weighing more than a human being now he wants us to purchase extra printers to print his models.

He is in bed with “big printer”.

I asked before, but, didn’t spot a response.

Do these require any special filaments or are you using PLA?


Opps! Pardon.

The prototype was PLA+, while the show models are PLA Metallic, Matte, and Sparkle. The skateboard bearing version I’m going to print in PETG-HF, and is what I’ll recommend to people that need function over form. The version I photographed with the weights was the PLA+ version.

Uh, I have no idea. Haha. I have 3d printed ones before, in particular, this one. Lift Table 130x100 by mishkin2 - MakerWorld and I use them just for general propping stuff up a little higher when needed. I just also enjoy it, and think it’s neat. I mean, within my files, I have it categorized under toys, so.

I think larger actual tables like this are more useful, or carts. Like moving lumber around, and being able to bring the lumber up to the workbench’s height.


So bionic prosthetics are now on the list of up coming designs we’ll see from you? :mechanical_arm:

By the way, yes. Me and deep state printer are trying our best to shame Bambu into giving us a large model. :smiley:

Hm, I have conspired. I mean, y’all don’t know my secret plans. Teehee. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face:

Don’t worry shadowy figures, I’m not talking about THOSE plans. Jeez, put down the poison darts.

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Wrap some wire around a pencil and give it the curly wire finish. All clock activated devices have them. I saw it in a film so it must be true,


AAAAnnnd there it is.
Coudn’t post it when I had time last week huh? Had to wait until I was going to start another Star Wars print…huh.

Not doing it. Not getting me this time. Even though I have all the hardware for once and don’t need to buy anything…nope.

I’m on to you buddy, I’m on to you…

You’ve been getting me interested in gambody, with the prints you’ve done. So, revenge from my own wallet? Haha, although I guess I started this war.

It’ll be good though. You can use it to lift your newly printed ship above the other models, hahaha.


Just found out about this topic. This is great!

You Sir, just got a new follower :ok_hand: :smiley:

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@Square3D welcome to my corner of the forum! Haha.

Been enjoying posting here, chatting with everyone, and just having a spot to yammer on. It’s my little spot to show off work in progress stuff too.

Turns out it was a good idea to start trying to print up the 608 bearing version of my lift table, as it helped me catch a few issues with the overall model! Ahh, this thing is cool. I am almost finished printing up the prototype, then going to do a final one in PETG-HF.

Here’s where most of my assembly happens. :sweat_smile:

That’s a great space… and i envy your filament collection ahah…
Can’t wait to see the end result of that lift table