The option to change speeds would be nice. As I have experienced MUCH better first-layer results at the slowest print speed, I want a way to tell the slicer to print “at this speed” for the first bunch of layers and “at this different speed” for later layers.
As the title suggests, this might already be implemented. If so, please advise… anyone?
I would Second this as I print a lot of signs and data tags where I can get away with faster speeds when printing the base of my sign or tag but then need to slow way down when printing logos and letters on top of the base
I think what @onehunkytenor is looking for is a way to set the speed for more than just the first layer though… like maybe print the first 5 layers at speed-x, then print the rest as speed-y.
You are correct, Chris. I had considered the First Layer speed option — and it’s great — but want a bit more control. Say the first few layers (as I define “few”) and not just the first layer.
Maybe add some way of changing “first” to “x-number of”
Frankly, I’d love to be able to slow down near the end of a print too.
My guess is that this is probably something that can be done in the G-code, but…
That’s only a guess, I dunno for sure.
I don’t even know how to access the G-code directly.
Even if it is able to be done, it would be a lot nicer/easier to be able to just specify it in the Studio.
Just have an option to run __ beginning layers at speed _____. (This would default to 1 layers and the defaults speeds) and then have an option to run __ ending layers at speed _____. (This would default to 0 layers and the default slow speeds from the beginning layers.)
If the firmware supports the M220 command to set the feedrate of all axis you could slice, slide down to the first layer and insert a custom gcode of M220 S50 to reduce print speed by %50, then slide up a few layers and add another M220 S100 to go back to full speed.
Since the start gcode has an M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate line in it, it appears to be supported.
3mf is just a zip file with the gcode and other files included. Any zip tool will extract it.
To use this technique doesn’t require manual editing of gcode, you can insert gcode at layers using the slicer.
Once you’ve sliced the model use the slider on the right to move to the right layer, right-click and choose Add Custom G-code.
Right click your model.
Add part, cube.
Right click cube, change type, modifier.
Size and position the cube to enclose the part of your model you want to adjust.
In Process Objects view you can select the modifier cube and change most settings for your model within the cube volume.
When positioning parts I think the xyz display is relative to the centre of the parent object.
Alt clicking selects the part rather than all parts.
itd be really nice to have a sense for the speeds at which ‘silent, standard, sport, and ludicrous’ print so we can adjust the first layer and other layer speed. but more specifically, id like them to add the option to adjust the lot of settings for each speed profile as well as pick the speed profile in the slicer. ontop of that, i dont like that at the higher speeds, youll lose quality because changing the speed profile only changes the speed and accel, not the flow, heat, pressure advance or any of that. idk, maybe thats asking for too much, but the vague 50%,100%,124%, and 168% print speed isnt enough info for me.