Thoughts About The New Height Modifier in Bambu Slicer - Poor UI

This is a cross post of Height Modifier in Bambu Slicer so that more of the community will see it.

Specifically, I’d like to see the ability to:

  1. Have more than one height range modifier per object
  2. Be able to limit the scope of the modifier to a subset of one or more parts without having to apply to the entire object (so an “applies to” selection)
  1. :white_check_mark:
  2. Not following you there, that’s what the height modifier does. It applies a setting to part of an object instead of the entire object.

How did you achieve multiple modifiers?

I tried a lot of stuff and cant make it work.

I see the issue. When you have a range selected you can edit the height range. When you have layers selected you can add and remove layers with the + and - next to the range entry fields.


thanks a lot, I think I have a buggy interface, never saw the +.

but the button (even just a few pixels of the +) is working…
Perhaps it’s because I am using it in German, I will find out.

(Cant add a screenshot cause I am a new User)