Tip for RFID tags

So this might be a bit of a grey area, but, I have an rfid tag copier. You can buy them on ebay for fairly cheap, Used to use them to make copies for people in our apartment block to stick tags onto their phones etc, as the building manager would charge $50/ tag. lol. That being said, What I did with all four bambu reels of mine was to copy the tags. they all seemed to copy fine so far, so In the future I plan on buying some other filament in similar colors and specs. So thought i can stick the rfid tag (sticky baked ones) onto rolls and have a semi work around for recognising colours in the ams. At this stage it will take me a while to get thru the starter roll of basic orange pla but when it does run out i will repost an update to let you all know if it worked. I suppose this is similar to cutting the rfid tag out of the stock rolls and pasting into a new one, but wanted to share my thoughts with you all, if i find my usb decoder maybe i can scan the bambu rolls rfid data and see what comes up too. love this machine so far but!


There’s been a fair bit of discussion on this, you might search the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

From what I recall, the data is proprietary and encrypted.

I save all of my old RFID tags for possibly using on Polymaker filaments when I transfer them on the 3d printed spools I use

Haven’t had a chance to do it yet but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work when the occasion presents itself

Currently I have 4 old tags for PLA marked for which color they are

But I haven’t really been using as much Polymaker lately and find myself using more Eryone, Giantarm and Geeetech filaments as they fit nicely in the AMS without issue

I might also add that I do purchase the refills from Bambu Lab as well, and with all of my filaments in the AMS I’ll simply let the runout detector do its job, swap out the roll and carry on with my print.

I prefer not to select the option for moving on to the next available spool, it works but I prefer to have 4 different colors in there

That way I’m not left with a bunch of partial spools of filament, I run em all the way to the end and it’s not something that needs to be done immediately with PLA or PETG if it runs out and pauses

In fact I’ve come back 4 hours later, swapped the spool, hit continue and you can’t even see where the filament ran out

A tip is before you hit continue reach back and pull any excessive filament left behind on the nozzle off or it can get dragged onto the model you’re printing

I found out that last one the hard way lol

What copier are you using? I have 2 RFID copiers, but they’re unable to copy the tags due to encryption.

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