Tool head 0.1 mm play

Hi, I received my X1C yesterday and I noticed the tool head has a play of 0.1 mm. Not sure if the play is between carbon rods and bearings or between bearings and body of the tool head. I measured the play using machinist indicator against the nozzle.

Is the measured value of play normal or should I send the printer back to Bambu Lab? Or is it possible to fix it diy?

FYI, my Prusa MK3S+ has no noticeable play of the head.

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There have been other threads reporting such play, with support recommending to add tape as a shim.

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When all else fails. Tape it.

OK, thanks. TBH, the play is not 0.1 mm, but up to 0.3 mm. You can see it in this video: Bambu Lab X1-Carbon tool head play - YouTube

I already received reply from Bambu support - according to them this is normal play of tool head, otherwise the bearings would seize. Iā€™m rather sceptical to that. A play of <0.05 mm must be enough.

Do you know if also other brands of 3D printers have a play of tool head in the range of multiples of 0.1mm?

The question should be: Do you have any problems with the printer printing? Do your prints look bad, fail or have other problems? Does the print head makes strange clacking noises that might be a hint it get stuck on the rails? If not, it seems to be within spec and ok.

For me it is like buying a car with a play in its wheels. You can drive it, but you are not sure for how long. And for sure if I knew it beforehand I would not buy it.

This is the test print. Not bad, but it has some deffects.