Tool head cover upgrade

One of the few versions I’m working on.

V1 Direct replacement no logo

V2 No logo and fan cover

V3 No logo and made for a thicker part cooling fan

V4 No logo stock fan. Replacement led PCB set up for LEDs on the fan duct

V5 will be replace the middle cover and have a break out board the jst plugs into. That will have pogo pins and connect to a PCB on the front cover…how this should of been designed to begin with.

Finally using my Voltera Nova. For something.


Will it still be attached by magnets? If so, won’t the pogo pins push it off the magnets? I’d hate to see it flying off against the glass or the aluminum side panels. :thinking:

No Pogo pins are not even remotely close to being strong off to push it off.

But I did upgrade magnets in it and the whole magnetic system for it because stock it doesn’t work So I figured I’ll just fix that issue at the same time. So the magnets are stronger And they can better so it’s going to be more resilient to being knocked off.


This is something I’ve also been working on. So far I have made the part cooling duct to be integral with the cover and with a holder built in for maintenance. I also incorporated the half hole needed to get to the tensioner screw. But I like your idea of using the pogo pins. Mine is a P1 so doesn’t have the extra board or wiring for the LED or lidar, so I was going to use magnetic connectors for easy disconnection of the fan. Next, I’d like to modify it to take a standard shaped 5015 which will open it up to some of the higher flow (maybe quieter?) versions available. And I was also looking at integrating a mount and duct for the hotend fan straight to the cover, again to minimise the time to change hotends.
Another thought was to modify the centre toolhead piece to incorporate a hinge so the entire front cover could just swing out to the left and then clip or magnetise back on. I’ve printed mine in resin and IMO looks as good as the OEM piece. Picture is of the first cover and duct I printed which had separate pieces. Also, some details didn’t print correctly due to incorrect resin exposure settings. But it still looks pretty good to me.

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Sorry this is false information. The stock toolhead does work.


Oh I guess all the people reporting that there covers come off are lieing then.

Bambu bro power activate.

After a butt load of printers sold and your going to compare a problem to two handfull of complaints. Give me a break. :roll_eyes:

How many times have you seen me make excuses for this company when they made mistakes?

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Looks great, where can we get these?

Could I also suggest you have a version which makes it easy to adjust the tensioning screw for the filament spring. I saw a youtuber drilling a hole to do this, but it would be great to have this as an option.

As the hole to access the idler tension screw needs to be right in the middle between the front and centre covers, you would still need to drill that half in the centre piece, or remake both front and middle pieces to incorporate the hole.