Toolhead hitting printer case parts

Hello, newbie question here :slight_smile:

I just noticed that sometimes (dreadful word for non deterministic problems)
my P1S toolhead would make strange sounds due to the following

  1. the pfte tube hits the left wall
  2. hitting the black plastic lever in the poop chute

i am fairly sure this was not happening before… or at least in the prints i have been doing so far…

Is that something that was already there and is only triggered by some prints? or something else is afoot and i should start be worrying?


Nothing to worry about from your description. Although your PTFE may be a bit long or is not clipped onto the tollheads cable chain. It should be hitting the lid rather than the wall.
The plastic lever is intended to clear the poop chute. The toolhead hitting it is deliberate activation as it saves a motor in the design.