I noticed that my top layers seem to geht worse since a few days. It doesnt feel as smooth as it used to be. Since there is no bambulab pla anymore in the eu store, i ordered polymaker polylite pla… could it be that the polymaker one is so much worse on the x1 than the bambulab pla?
I already chose the ploylite profile inside bambu studio.
Here are some pics to Show what i mean
Is there something i can tweak inside the bambu studio Settings? Maybe the some Hardware Warriors? Or is it really the filament?
From the pictures itself it is a bit hard to tell - and different models may have different properties that can effect final layer (especially type of infill, infill% etc).
I tried to zoom in a bit more into the first picture - and (white is always hard to tell, especially also from that angle) it could be / seems a bit of over-extrution. Means, it squizze a bit more filament out of the noozle than required and therefore generates those small bumps along the way left and right.
Did you printed it with the stock settings in the slicer?
Yep everything on Stock. The pics dont show it very clearly but the finish of the flexi rex is way to rough. The finish on the other thing i printed is so much smoother. Which settings do i have to adjust to fix the overextrusion?
Rough can have several different reasons
Did you perform a calibration with the new material on the cold plate (in case you have the textures plate - it is not recommended by Bambu Labs there)? If yes, the parameter can be manually adapted in the filament section under ‘flow ratio’. But be carefull - only change in small values.
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Thx a lot the default profile in bambu Studio for polylite pla seems to have a bit much flow ratio. I set it from 0.95 to 0.93 and now its smooth as with the Bambu pla.
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