**Edit for any new users:
- OrcaSlicer 2.0.0-beta fixes some, but not all of the incorrect g-code generation with the “Don’t filter out small internal bridges (beta)” option. Try limited filtering or no filtering (can generate a lot of wasted infill). This must be done before any later mitigations.
- For some shapes, especially very shallow (closer to 10 degrees) shapes, especially organic curves, slicer mitigations do not exist yet for all the difficulties in slicing 10-20 shallow slopes.
- For theses shapes, things can usually be solved by increasing thickness. Try using top thickness (e.g. 1.0mm → 1.8mm) instead of layers, because that will play better with variable layer height.
- If you are especially patient, you can reduce internal solid infill speeds to the 75-100% overhang speed.
- Lower temperature helps with some filaments, at the expense of worse layer adhesion.
I actually think I’ve got some of the root cause figured out for this specific print, but I thought I’d share some of what I learned and I still am looking for suggestions in case there is actually a “correct” fix for this. It seems like a slicer bug / “feature.”
I have printed 1000+ hours on my printers and am very familiar with the behavior of the PLA I use, but for the first time I started printing a very organic structures with variable layer height (at very high quality - heights range from 0.28 to 0.08mm). I started running into various versions of this pimply/orange skin defect, particularly in areas where the slope was very shallow:
I am aware that I set the seam in the wrong place for this test print - I’m not worried about that.
I tried a variety of things, so here’s what didn’t actually make a difference:
- Various advanced infill settings
- Infill type (no, gyroid doesn’t solve this at all, though it reduces nozzle banging)
- Top surface layers / thickness (mitigates it somewhat, but it’s an awful lot of extra material)
- Reducing MFR (I tried it anyway, but it’s actually very well tuned in for my material/nozzle/printer combination)
- Changing temperature (same as above, already tuned for these materials but tested anyway with no improvement)
Here’s the version with the fix:
What eventually made the difference was adjusting the internal solid infill speed down from the default 250mm/s to 170mm/s. For some reason, for very organic structures like this wedge, BambuSlicer fails to generate any bridge layers below the top layers. For example, in a standard cube, the very first layer that transitions between sparse infill to solid infill generates a bridge layer, which is printed at a much more appropriate 50mm/s. See slicer screenshot:
For the wedge I printed, it’s basically not printing a bridge transition layer, and instead bridging at the full 270mm/s which obviously results in very poor quality bridges and artifacts which consequently “telegraph” defects even through several top layers. At the shallowest layers where the internal solid infill layers look closest to being actual bridges and not overhangs, the defect is most pronounced.
Note that NO bridge lines are in fact used in the entire part.
(apologies for the slicer switch, for a variety of reasons I use both BambuSlicer and OrcaSlicer, but a standard cube does in fact slice the same in both bits of software)
Here’s what it looks like now - there are virtually no visible defects (I also moved the seam):
The small amounts of waviness in that area are almost certainly just telegraphed VFA, but well within what I’d tolerate for this. I might also just need to bump the solid infill speed lower, but of course that would impact print time pretty significantly (50mm/s will definitely work…but that’s a lot of solid infill time)
So my question is - is there some setting I’m missing that would help BambuSlicer or OrcaSlicer properly generate bridge layers for more organic top shapes like this one? Or is it more of a slicer bug/feature, in which case I might submit a feature/bug request on GitHub? The reduction in internal solid infill is really only a band-aid, since it slows down a lot of other solid infills that do not bridge and in fact do not need to be slowed down.