Top Surface Issues - A1/Silk PLA

thanks for the answer!
I know its been a bit but i manage to solve the issue by doing a manual flow and pressure advance calibration, the shininess of the silk was messing with the lidar readings

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Well it’s been about two months and I finally tried some Inland hi-speed PLA+ and the top surface came out PERFECT!! So I wanted this thread to conclude on that good note. I’m now going to play with the speeds to see if those slower top level can be adjusted back to ‘normal’ for the A1 Combo.

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Here’s the print quality at full/normal speeds (Right one). Just a little bit of blemishes. So I will continue to dial the speed to help minimize these spots.

‘Internal Solid Infill’ speed = 250 mm/s
‘Top Surface’ speed = 200 mm/s

Hello, do you managed to solved that print issue? I’ve got exactly the same pattern on my prints

managed to solve mine with a manual flow calibration :+1:t2: