Transformers Autobots P1P Lite Enclosure

Hello everyone!

I’m excited to join this vibrant 3D printing community! My name is Manny, and I’m passionate about exploring the endless possibilities that 3D printing technology offers. With a background in Elevator, laser, and CNC, I’ve been tinkering with 3D printers for 3 months.

One of my recent projects that I’m particularly proud of is my Transformers theme P1P. You can check out the work in process here.

Also would like to thank the creator of the enclosure for his amazing work, thank you for sharing,

Here is the link

the video is me installing the chain and fitting the enclosure, Next I am adding the 2 fans in the back, the side acrylic engraved sides, and the fan on the side

I’m looking forward to sharing ideas, learning from all of you, and contributing to this fantastic forum!

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P1P Autoboat enclosure