Transparent Extruder assembly?

So I’ve had another clog in my extruder, well I assume that’s the issue because I’ve checked all other areas of the system for blockages and everything seems clear.

I’ve only had this happen once before, so I went to double-check how to disassemble on the bambu wiki when I noticed their image shows a clear extruder assembly which lets you see if there’s a clog without taking the whole thing apart.

Is this just something they are using for demonstration purposes or is it a part we can buy ourselves?


That would be an accessory I would pay for indeed.


Yeah me too :ok_hand: You could also see when you need to clean it.

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YouTube Reviews received 2 A1 mini’s for review. One was normal & one was totally clear. Unless Bambu changes their minds, they won’t be for sale.

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Oh I’d have one of those definitely, wonder if it could be printed if not available? The whole casing of the tool head and that in clear would be nice. I think I smell a project coming on😅

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i want a couple too. I’m game

Was all set to blame the PVA but turns out I was a bit premature in my prognosis

Oh I’d have one of those definitely, wonder if it could be printed if not available? The whole casing of the tool head and that in clear would be nice. I think I smell a project coming on😅

I was actually thinking the same thing! Might be best done in tough resin, I think I’ve got some clear stuff in the cupboard actually :thinking:

Ya, that spring doesn’t look too good.

Start a thread & keep us informed. :grin:

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I think it may be possible with FDM rather than resin, makes sense as it would be useful to the community then. I am pretty sure I’m already achieving injection moulded strength using PETG and I’m pretty sure I can achieve this with a few other filaments too but need to test this, I may need to move to another slice to make it possible as you can’t have individual fan control for overhangs and bridges with Bambu and it makes the technique I’m using harder to achieve. I will post a new thread with a couple of pictures later but probably not many words and leave it to a discussion.

It’s not so much the strength, it’s the fact clear filament ends up not being all that clear with FDM printing, from my experience anyway. Resin is way better in terms of transparency. Either way it wouldn’t matter so much as it’d be the same model file for both. Community can choose how they wish to print it.

Here is a couple of examples of photos taken through some clear PETG I have FDM printed, the base has to be polished with 3m wetordry micron paper as I print on a textured plate, I did the top too as the ironing still isn’t quite right, took a while to get the settings to this point but there’s still room for improvement but as mentioned I’m probably going to have to move slicer to squeeze more out as I need better in slicer fan options.

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How thin is that though? and remember the extruder assembly is a complex little design that would be very awkward to sand…

The issue would be where you have to use infill. The face plates should be pretty clear, corners & things with holes would be slight issues. It can be done, but it won’t be as perfect as injected.

Yeah this is what I’m thinking, I recreated the GameCube fan assembly by hand and printed it out in clear PLA and once there’s a bit of infill, and basically any thickness over 2mm things start getting very cloudy…

It’s about 7mm thick, yes the assembly would be hard to sand it would need to be printed on a smooth plate to get the bottom finish, I’m getting pretty close with the top surface finish to with ironing and no sanding but it still needs some work. The layers on the edges are always going the be there though. As for infill you do this at 100% so it’s solid.

The clear parts are for demonstration and beta tester units. I was told they won’t be offering them because, the plastic is weak and would potentially break too easily under normal use.

A clear extruder housing would be super cool and useful though.

Yes transparent plastic does tend to be weaker which would case and issue for them and probably us, but I willing to take a risk on a printed one if it possible as if it breaks I can pop the original back on and make another in a few hours. This is of course if it lasts a few hundred hours.

The main area for concern would be where the tensioner spring interfaces.

Explanation of A1 Mini transparent here - with reasons why they are not producing more than 20. Link should start 01:19:01 into video.

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