Travel around edge/border of plate during calibration

I’ve noticed that the hot end will travel across the build plate when the printer is calibrating and doing its startup things. The print head doesn’t always successfully clean itself and can drag filament across the build plate which occasionally will fall off and stay there while it’s printing away, if I’m lucky it won’t get picked up and dragged around half-way through printing…

I wondered to reduce this happening (especially with TPU) there’s a way to get the hot end to travel around the edges of the build plate and not take shortcuts across it. Even to the point that it figures out where it’s going to start the print and travel around the edge until it’s as close as possible and only then travel inwards to start.

Not sure if I can set some kind of startup GCode or modify what’s already there in some way? I put together my own start-up GCode for my old Creality but it’s been years since I’ve touched it so it’s all a bit foggy now. :slight_smile: Just wondered if this might be possible before I go any deeper with it.