Tried to Publish model and submission disappeared - And It’s Up now!

@JonRaymond - Not sure what to do here. I published my air dryer model, it went to verifying, and then disappeared.

It’s not in Published Models or Published Print Profiles, not in Failed and no longer in Verifying. It seems like it’s now just gone. That was a lot of work gone if it just disappeared into the aether.

Any thoughts on recovery? Or is this a start all over thing (where I’m putting my money)?

Only thing is if I do it all again, unless there is a root cause, it could disappear again.

It was lengthy with lots of photos to show build steps and lots of text on how to build, what to watch out for, precautions, and use. It was pretty big and represents a whole lot of time writing, proofreading, etc.

It absolutely went to verifying when I submitted it. I was refreshing to see when it would post but it just went away after a bit.


ADDED - just checked and it’s up! Looks ok. Don’t know if someone fixed it or if as mentioned by Jon and Josh if it just took time with all the photos and such.

Anyway, false alarm maybe/probably unless someone had to kick something.

Thanks! All fixed now

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I don’t have any control over what happens on Makerworld. Perhaps @MakerWorld would be able to give more insight?

Hopefully your submission is just processing and will appear soon? Sadly it’s something like that makes you realize you need to save a copy of your submission externally before submitting so that you have a backup incase something happens. Some people like me learn this at an early age when the power goes out and their school paper vanishes. Others learn this at a later age, but we all experience it at one time or another.

Fingers crossed you get your submission back.

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Here’s hoping. I’ve had similar issues in the past. Usually caused by some system issue within Bambu that usually gets resolved before too long. Keep an eye out and see if anyone else is reporting issues with submitting.

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It showed up! Thanks, Jon!

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This has been happening for a while now.

The system appears to get busy and it stays in the verifying stage for a while.

After that, it can disappear from verifying and then not appear anywhere else, although the published count can increase by one as if it was meant to appear.

It will show on your system list as published during this time.

If you click the model link in the system list, you may be shown the published model, I have found that often triggers the model appearing in the published list.

If you get a 404 missing file error, your model will hide in limbo for a while, sometimes minutes, sometimes a few hours.

After a while, it will appear.

I upload a lot of models and see this often.

I have taken to marking all new uploads as private, so when they get published, I can control it appearing as I know when and as the same issue occurs with profiles and I upload many per model, this also means I can then reorder them as I wanted as they often appear out of order.


It took 30 minutes for the changes to the three of my profiles to appear publicly. This included two of them turning private.

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That’s exactly what seems to have happened, Malc. Thanks and all good!

Only thing about publishing them as private is as time passes, they move farther and farther down the new models list (if that is important). When you change to public they may be already buried depending on how long that is.

At least that’s what seemed to happen on one I tried that with a while back.

If I mark it as private and the model takes time to appear and then add profiles that also take time to appear and are out of order (often occurs), then I control the order of the profiles so that they all appear publicly at the same time.

Many of my Fidget Gyros and Spinners with 7 profiles each and they are ordered based on ease of understanding.

This is the better of two evils.

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You are indeed an Oracle, Malc! More detail than I had. :grin:

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Lol, I was about to send the link

So here it is XD

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Haha! Um, thanks! :joy::rofl:

I was just impatient I guess but I’ve never seen a model disappear like that before. For me they’ve always been in one of the categories. This one just went away for a while. Kind of bizarre but no idea what back end things are happening on the servers.

Damn! I’m impressed! what a model description! Now I better understand why you were afraid to have to redo all of it from scratch ^^`

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Maybe this is a feature, a built-in game of hide and seek.


War and peace is just a short story for @mzip.

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Hihi ^^ they have hidden some Easter eggs to promote the new brain teasers contest XD

Hey now… :joy::rofl: (And here brevity hurts because I needed 25 chars!)

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It’s a curse, Henlor, and always got me in trouble for being wordy. It’s the other side of fit tab A into slot B.

You may need to wait several seconds to one minute after verifying. It is saving model information to the database and construct related indices.


Think more in the realms of sometimes up to 30 minutes, sometimes more.

It has been getting worse for the past few weeks. If you read my message above you will see examples of my recent experiences and the workarounds I use to compensate for the issue.

I modified a print profile today and made two print profiles private and nothing changed for around 30 minutes. During this time I was unsure if or when it would.

I get things are busy, that is to be expected and the time frame will fluctuate based on server load. The model not appearing in the published, verifying, failed or draft tabs during this period of hidden status leads to confusion and duplicate uploads.

A way of knowing that the process is running slow within the upload process and ideally still showing as verifying until it isn’t so it stays in the list would be much clearer and helpful.

This was my experience but maybe 20 minutes. First one I’ve uploaded that disappeared.

I suspect more photos (larger files) increases the time to publish. If I were to guess…

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