If you have down time on your printer, and it’s one of the models so equipped, it can act as a filament dryer.
See this page in the wiki. I don’t know if it’s an X! exclusive or if the P1S can do it also.
If your printer does not have this feature, and your oven can control the temperature to between 55 and 60 °C without over shoot for hours you could use it but most home kitchen ovens don’t have that kind of control so the result is usually some sort of art project rather than a spool of dry filament. There are a ton of ways to dry filament, there are dry boxes, there are dedicated dryers, you can use a food dehydrator from the thrift store and so on. The key is very tight control of the heat with no hot spots. I went with one and done and got the eibos easdry. Good temperature control and a fan. Not saying it’s the best but it’s not let me down. Except for when the string pull came apart on the door and I had to take the door apart to re-attach it.
PS, every spool of Bambu filament I’ve used is so wet it drives the AMS humidity way up. I now dry every spool of Bambu before use. Overture is dry enough I don’t bother unless it’s a filament known to be hygroscopic like nylon.