Tuning overhangs

My current settings are no good with this speeds especially above 65degrees,
WiIl play a bit and let you know how it goes , it was better at some point :frowning:

My print was perfect up to 65degrees , with reducing the speed to 100mm/S for after that is still an issue: Any ideas see bellow

Ok small update , i found what is the actual problem it was not only the speeds and temperature and fans. It was the slicing it self, Hm no wonder some overhangs were a problem from time to time

Over hang line printed as arcs needs tiny support under(preferable 25% or more but even 10% works of line width) here we have 2 rings with the second completely in the air and first also have part in the air. Reducing the speeds almost solves the issue , but …not a full proof solution , probably with a bit extra play with the fans will improve it but not solve it . Actually the line is supported only by side line which usually does not work well, As a result tries to do a ARC bridge in the air with potentially tiny support from the side but as the no pressure under , can’t make the line width any way

in Orca Slicer there is an option which solves it , but not sure for the BS as i have not seen it there
But it is not suppose to create an Arc 100% in the air
I will update with the best settings to print it - reducing the speed helps a lot, decreasing the layer height solves it, Line width 0.4 probably will improve , but have not tested it

I also reduced the Line height to 0.08 , which produces a better output and end result, probably increasing/decreasing the line width 0.4 for 0.4mm nozzle will help a bit as well

here is example from the prusa slicer and the problem from Orca/Bambu
Prusa Slicer : The correct one

Orca/BS slicer with 0.2 layer height really bad and :

This is Orca with 0.08 layer height looks correct:

This is Orca with 0.2 and make overhang printable option looks ok and printed no problem

On the good side if we can print a circles or arcs in midair would be great printer :slight_smile:
We need to find why the hell the slicing put almost 2 print lines in the air
I printed it perfectly with my settings and just reduced speed to 100mm/S to 65degress then a lot of issues