Turn off camera light by default

Hello community,

I just started using my first Bambu Lab A1 mini printer and have already printed a lot of stuff. I realized that I could change the behavior of my printer using something called G-Codes.

My question is simple: Does anyone know the G-code to turn off the camera light when a new print starts? For me it’s really annoying because I built my own printer case with better external light and I want the printer light to always be off.

I know i can turn off the light via app. But i always have to do that manually.
I would like to have it automated.


I have the same request.who knows.

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Same question here.
Getting to know my mini day-by-day :slight_smile:

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Same request.
Please help.

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I would love to know how to make the “light off” the default for it also.

Same request. Bumping. I want a way to shut it off and not have it come back on next print.

Same here!

Just created a request on GitHub in hopes they can implement a “light permanently off” feature.

Please upvote to get Bambus attention.

I would agree with that, yes. It would be best if you could somehow adjust the default settings on the printer.

I got the same question. I want a way to automatically shut it off after every print and have it come back on next print.