Unable to flush entirely into the prime tower

I’m using the latest Bambu Studio and I would like to flush into the prime tower but it seems the prime tower counts as a “model” object and not as “flushed” material.
Here is what I have tried
Just using a flushing volume of 180mm3 the result is 11.59g into the model and 89.61g flushed

With a prime tower of 1mm3 the result is 17.52g into the model and 88.78g flushed

Using a prime tower with the same flushing volume of 180mm3 the result is 110.66g into the model and 88.78g flushed

Shouldn’t the prime tower count as flushed material?

Flush is what goes out the back of the machine.

You can actually tell it to prime to an object.

If you adjust flush volume it changes what gets pooped out the back. If you adjust prime tower volumes it changes how much is primed into the tower.

To further complicate this you can prime to infill and to object.

Example of an object that has been used as a prime object.

This allowed me to print a large dragon with very little material being tossed.