i have 2 x1c printers in my lan, that are not configured as “lan mode” because i want use the app as well when i’m out of lab.
I have always been able to send the files to the SD card, but for some time I have no longer been able to, bambu studio ask me for the IP address and access code, entering the correct data, it asks me for the serial number, I enter it and nothing happens.
I would like to point out that the PC I use and the printers are in the same LAN and have the same IP branch (192.168.2.xxx)
Can you see the status of the printer in bambu studio - including changing filament settings in AMS?
I have the same problem. Reinstall Bambu studio. Reconnect other site and the same problem. Set IP address and Access Code. Fill SN.
Application write: Connecting to printer… The dialog will close later
Settings not save and I have to fill in the IP address again.
I do have a similar problem: “Connecting…” stays in bambu studio, I can’t connect anymore.
Tried different bambu studio versions in different networks on win and linux.
The android app works like a charm, even remote… "Connecting....." in Bambu Studio - #6 by eingemaischt
Yes all is working, status appears correctly
I reported the problem on github
I have the same problem tried to put a ticket in to customer service
Press submit and nothing happens
I have not been able to send a print file from Bambu Studio since the 13th of November I am climbing the walls with frustration with Bambu. I am unlikely to by another Bambu product .
One thing you might try is reformatting the microSD card. I’ve had to do this at least 5-10 times over the last 10 months. Once you reformat, make sure you turn off AND unplug the printer for about 30 seconds or so. Power it back up and typically, this should allow you to start using the microSD card again. Not sure why unplugging helps, but I swear it works every time for me!
Thanks for that I did put a new micro sd card in and it worked for the next print but then failed, I then followed your suggestion and found it worked the once then failed never known my printer to be so much trouble, but thanks anyway
Yeah, I’ve had it fail pretty shortly after reformatting. It’s a bit discouraging, but keep trying it. Eventually, one of the reformats will stick and you won’t have to do it as often. A few more notes:
- It’s been suggested that using a more expensive (i.e. reliable brand) will eliminate the problem. I’ve found this not to be the case. Even the name brand cards have the issue now and then.
- I didn’t have this problem personally until I switched to LAN mode. I found that peculiar. So, I switched back and while I was able to use the microSD for a while longer, it eventually failed again and I had to reformat. So, I went back to LAN mode.
- My opinion is that Bambu has a flaw in the way they format (or reformat) that leads to a sort of internal file corruption on the card. So, I don’t think it has anything to do with brand or LAN mode. It’s a Bambulabs software issue that they haven’t openly recognized or addressed.
All that to say, I don’t think it’s you or your printer specifically. I think it’s an inherent bug that we have to deal with unless they final come around to addressing it. Furthermore, if it’s at all hardware related (like a cheap PCB component), I would expect this never to be addressed.
Try formatting with a PC.
Have you figured this out? I am having this problem. I use a desktop pc and a laptop. I can send to sd card from my laptop but i cant from my PC. I was able to from my pc just a week ago.
I tried this today for the first time and was met with a prompt on my desktop asking for IP address and access code with a bit about LAN only mode. Then SN.
I enter all flawlessly and nothing happens. Then I started researching and found some threads like this.
Has anybody had it worked without problem 100% of the time?
Or is everyone experiencing this?
Let’s say the card does get formatted. Does that window still pop up asking for IP address, etc, or does it just work?
I don’t understand how I can easily send files to the machine through the cloud but it needs extra access for the SD card??
Thanks I hope Bambu fixes this. Huge feature!
After testing I can confirm that this issue is present on both my Bambu X1C and X1E.
After this print is finished I am going to try power cycling and reinstalling everything.
500 prints to do this month and we will figure out how to get this working.
Will report back with findings.
Hi everyone! I also had this issue for a long time, this pisses me off a lot because I often want to use this features to prepare futures prints… And this is very frustrating, this printer costs so much and Bambu Lab is putting so much effort into “security” this should have been fixed or at least addressed…
I bought this printer not to do all the tweaks and mystery around 3D Printers… so I’m not going to format every day… That’s crazy
Bambu Lab, you have to to something. This is a major issue. And there is a lot of people that are not talking about it but experience the same.