Unable to sign in using Apple ID form Android

Hi, I have recently changed my cell phone from Apple to Android.
I use to login to Bambu Handy and to the forums the Apple ID.

Well, there is no way to log in from Android, the app does not give you the option, and I talked to support to migrate my account with Apple Id to a normal Bambu account and they told me that it was not possible, so I can not use the Bambu Handy app because I can not access from Android.

You have to give the possibility to migrate the accounts that access with Apple ID to other accounts to access with email and password.

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Dear Bambu Lab App developers!
I have the same issue like elliot.
What’s the reason for the restriction?

Please solve our issue!
Thanks in advance!

It seems to work to use Forgot Password on the Bambu Labs homepage to set a password. Your account e-mail address will end with @privaterelay.appleid.com – you can find by clicking on your user avatar in the upper right, or probably plenty of other places (like e-mails they’ve sent you).

Once you’ve set a password, you can log in with e-mail address and password (on Android, for example) OR Login with Apple.