Uncoiling Vase - Another beauty produced by the P1P

The last picture is the final product, printed in [PLA-Basic Silver].(PLA Basic Filament with spool / 1kg / Silver (HEX Code #A6A9AA))

Interestingly enough, this filament needs a much slower speed than the other PLA-Basic filaments I have used (white, black, red, blue). I needed to print in Silent mode for the layers to adhere to one another. Why is that???

Also a nice modeling challenge in SOLIDWORKS. :slight_smile:

Design and print look great!

The ability to create something like that always blows me away. I can make a box or a cylinder but that’s about it. :wink:

For the adhesion concerns, you may want to watch CNC Kitchen’s video on how different colors of the same brand and type compare in his testing.

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Thanks for the link. Very useful.

Talking about modeling this vase, the technique is very simple, yet elegant. We started a brainstorming session on improving the technique further in this thread:


That link requires a login…

It is a link for the Dassault’s 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Many makers are using the Makers edition of SOLIDWORKS and that is where we talk about modeling techniques. You can create a login ID for free.

What software are you using to design and model the parts?

I see… Currently being crazy and using RepliCAD (javascript bindings to OpenCascade) :smile:
I have to pick between FreeCAD, Solidworks maker’s edition, and Onshape…

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Let’s just say I’m old and slow. :wink: I use either Tinkercad or 123D Design 2.2.14 which was abandoned by Autodesk many years ago but still works fine for what I need. While Solidworks and Fusion will do amazing things, I can do everything I need with basic shapes and completely lack the mindset required to conceive of let alone create things like your vase.

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