Under extrusion on supported overhangs

My PLA prints are coming out beautifully except for under-extrusion on overhanging surfaces printed on a support structure. Extrusion looks perfect everywhere else. Here’s my current settings and the results. Any advice?

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the only way i’m getting a decent surface quality on bottom walls is by printing on support filament with 0 z distance and 0 top interface spacing (rightmost part). i understand physics is against me here, but the under extrusion in these areas with any other support settings seems fixable.

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Anyone? Someone on the Facebook group said they have the same issue. We’re yet to find a solution.

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I’m facing the same issue here. No one has a clue?

Try using 3 interface layers instead

ever found a solution?

Hello ! I have the exact same issue,
I tried tree support with 0.2 Z offset, the surface on top was very under extruded.
I tried then normal support with 0.1 z offset, the surface still looks bad…
I would prefer to print with a 0.2 z offset to ease the removal of supports, but I cannot get a good quality of my part :frowning:
Is there anything I can do with Bambu studio parameters ?