Uneven layers

hi i have a problem with uneven layers. i use bamboo pla filament is calibrated and printed from ams. i tried reducing the speed of the outer wall and the acceleration for the outer wall. I print outer wall first. i cleaned the rods and tension belts. i have a 2 month old x1c printer. is there anything else i can try?

thanks for any help

What layer height are you printing these at?

0.20mm standard with changed speed/accel and order walls

Inspect your Z-rods for any debris.

Worn PTFE tubes, temperature fluctuations, and vibrations could also be contributing factors.

Additionally, ensure that nothing is trapped between the build plate and the heated bed, as this can cause unexpected issues.

I’ll check it today, clean it and try it. I’ll write a review.

You need to retention the belts, I had a similar issue and that fixed it.

I have tried it twice according to the instructions. No change.

I cleaned the X Y rods, I cleaned the Z rods and screws, I checked the dirt on the bed and plates, I calibrated the printer, I calibrated the filament, tension belt again. I slowed down the printer 1 hour befote 30 min of this file. I still can’t find the problem with the visible inconsistent layer.in the photo, the last print is printed for 1 hour. Layer time set to 16s for consistent layer time

bambulab support wrote me back that this is normal