Been reading about the latest firmware discussions but suspect it will not severely affect my setup as I have no interest (at the moment anyway) of using anything other than Bambu Handy/Studio to control my printer. As I get older my ability to learn new tricks becomes more difficult so I seem to have settled into the better-the-devil-you-know camp
However I do have the BL LED modification ready to fit (and have been thinking about adding the Bambu integration to Home Assistant) and was wondering if I ever did install this controversial firmware on my printer by accident or design what effect it might have on either of these modifications as they both use MQTT to communicate?
Maybe its too early to spend too much time figuring out exactly what might happen as the Bambu firmware is not available/installed but it would be good to know what might be subject to neutering at a later date.
The way Bambulab currently intends it, BLLED will stop working. It should continue to work in the lan developer mode.
The current plan is fundamentally flawed, so BLLED will likely start working again, when it will be updated to replicate whatever bambu connect is doing. I don’t think the current plan makes any sense, and I am hopeful they will reconsider it, before releasing the new firmware.
But yeah there will definitely be a period where it is not working, or only under certain restrictions.
Edit: If I remember correctly, they mentioned that you can still read some stuff from the printer and do harmless things, so it might be possible that BLLED won’t break.
Bambu Lab recently announced changes affecting third-party add-ons—specifically devices like Xtouch, Panda Touch, and slicers such as OrcaSlicer that rely on the Bambu Cloud. Since BLLED and BLSmartFllow are both a fully local solution, it will continue to function without interruption. For more details on the new authorization control system, please see their official announcement: Firmware Update Introducing New Authorization Control System