Updated: Local Printing - Now failing with FTP Access Denied Errors

Same here. 3mf file was creating error 4020, importing as STL and I was able to send the file.

Same problem, seemingly out of nowhere. Switching to “send” works.

So odd, and concerning.

Same, I opened a ticket with Bambu and they confirmed they could reproduce it. The error mentioned something about being denied access when changing subdirectories.
Sometimes just printing from a different machine works. I’ve taken to just sending files over and starting them from the printer console when it happens.

Hopefully it’s fixed in a new release soon. I think we’re due for a new release to update the s/w for new filament profiles anyway.

Had the same problem. FWIW, I turned off the printer completely (mains off), closed and started Bambu Studio again. Then I tried the Send, nothing happened, then I tried Print Plate and it works fine again, in LAN mode.

Just a note here. “Send” transfers the file to the SD card but doesn’t start it. “Print” transfer the file to the printer (internal memory on the X series and SD on the P series) and starts it.


I have just encountered a problem very similar to the above. I have poked around a bit and
feel it is most likely a cloud server issue. Here’s what I see.

System: x1E running latest firmware (4/24).
Date: 4/16/24 and 4/17/24

Successfully sliced a design using Bambu Studio (ver
On 4/16:
Using Bambu Studio:
-Send file to microSD using Bambu Studio fails. Progress bar rapidly advances to 99%
and then pauses until transfer fails with FTP timeout.
-Using Bambu Studio Device Tab, check display of microSD. File appears and all
options (Delete, Print, Download) appear functional.
-Using Bambu Studio Device Tab (not the Print command on the preview page), attempts
to print above file immediately fail with FTP complaint (don’t recall wording). Repeated
attempts all fail in same fashion.
-On all FTP failures, checked Bambu cloud server status - all green, no problems indicated.
Using LCD panel on x1e:
-Print command of above file succeeds. Clearly file transferred properly.
Using Filezilla (free FTP utility):
-After exporting above file from Bambu Studio to Windows file system, tested FTP
transfers from PC to printer. All transfer tests were successful. Clearly FTP to
printer works properly.

On 4/17:
Using Bambu Studio:
-Send command, same file successfully transferred to microSD.
Progress bar rapidly ramped up to 100% and, after about 2 sec., window closed
indicating successful operation. Verified file present using Bambu Studio Device
-Using Bambu Studio Device page, all attempts to Print same file immediately
-Using Bambu Studio Print command on Preview page, file successfully transferred
to cloud and back down to printer and began printing.

So, I believe there is some transient issue in the cloud service that, unfortunately, does not
appear as a service outage/problem on the Bambu cloud server status page.

i also have a question about why the Bambu Studio Device page Print command (for any
of the microSD files) is attempting to do any FTP file transfers. All the other commands
on the Device page appear to simply be remote versions of the LCD display functions.
Why is the Print command attempting to re-transfer (and re-transfer from where? PC,
cloud server cache?) when the LCD printer display simple starts printing the (already)
locally stored file?

I’m still trying to get a clearer picture of how Bambu Studio file manipulations actually
behave. The above mysterious behavior isn’t helping. Any comments welcome.

I think it’s clearly a problem with the 3mf file.
As mentioned above, if you export it as an stl file and load it in a new project, it works without problem.
The obvious solution so far is to give up the existing project settings, export it as stl, and then load and use the exported stl file in a new project.

yup, thanks. pretty sure it’s the specific .3mf file that’s throwing the problem. i was worried for a sec. phew…

Same issue here gets to 99% then fails. It doesn’t matter which type of file it is it fails every time I try to send it to the printer. If I tell it to print it works fine.

I’ve been getting a slightly different message. It’s a different error number ( the same -5010 error that agtmcgill was getting), but the same “failed to send to FTP” type message. What I discovered is that if I go back to prepare and change something, then re-slice it would send.

I had sent a model, and when I tried to print, the printer caught that I had selected the wrong build plate. I re-sliced it, and when I went to send it again, I started getting the “failed to send to FTP” error. I realized I had just successfully sent the model moments before, and the only thing different was that I changed the build plate and re-sliced it. So, I went back, changed the color of the model, sliced, changed the color back, sliced, and then the model was sent to the printer without the error.

So, yes, in a sense and at least in my case, the failure it the sliced model that is bad. The fix is to re-slice it and hopefully Studio slices it right this time.

I hope this helps someone with the same annoying problem I had.

I first encountered a similar problem with Orca Slicer 2.2.0beta, I thought it was an Orca Slicer problem, so I launched Bambu Studio, same situation.

Formatting the SD card seems to have helped. Maybe poor quality SD cards are having some write errors on occasion and Bambu’s firmware doesn’t gracefully handle those failures?

this has been going on for over a year, over multiple updates, I’d love it if they actually fixed it

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Stumbled across the internet because of this exact error and I wanted to share.

I renamed the permanent failing 3mf file into something different than provided/downloaded. worked for me in windows.

Bambu-Lab 1.08.02

Maybe someone different can share his experience on this?