I just reached the treshold for uploading exclusive models, and would like to upload one of my favourites, but actually it is still on another platform that I want to take down bit by bit.
When/how can I upload a file here as exclusive after deleting it somewhere else?
I used the seach but couln’t find an answer.
You upload it as any other model. Then you select it as a Exclusive Model on the edit page.
So no wait or so? I will do that! Thank you a lot!
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As I understand it, your model could have previously existed elsewhere, but in order to earn exclusive points, it can only currently exist on MakerWorld.
I had a pair of sunglasses uploaded to both MakerWorld and Printables. I removed them from Printables and then set the MakerWorld version to exclusive. From that point on, they earn exclusive points.
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perfect! I started my journey on thangs, but for some reason I want to quit there. It will take a while, because I have a lot of links to my files, but I will get there.
I feel happy here, the nice community is an additional reason to feel like that!