Upload from Tinkercad

I can’t figure out how to upload from Tinkercad at all. I used to just make it into a .stl and upload into octoprint after using a slicer. I’m so confused.

It’s very similar. Export the file from Tinkercad as an STL. Import or drag this file into Bambu Studio. Slice and send to the printer.

Here is a good beginner tutorial/overview of Bambu Studio.

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Thank you. For whatever reason in the Bambu Studio the upload button does not work. The model literally disappears when you go to slice and it errors out. I have to drop it in from an open file. Very strange

The upload button is to publish your BS model to MakerWorld. . There’s the add icon (top left) or File >> Import works. Or, what I do is just drag from Win Explorer into BS plate and it’s there.

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Correction–it’s the add icon that’s not working. It shows up on the plate but then when I hit slice it kicks the model out. However, when I drag it in it is perfectly fine.