Uploaded Files editing failed badly

Hi There,
i came up with a Noobie Question.

Once i uploaded a File with a few Parts and recently i get told one of em was not the corrrect Size. I edit the File and fixed the Mistake.

Now when i edit my File in my Uploadsection it shows me the renamed File. So good so far…
When i go to my File and opened it directly in BambuStudio or download the .3mf or-stl it seems to be the old File with the Mistake in it.

I tried it a few Times to load up the fixed File, same Result every Time.
Doesn’t matter if i close all my Programms and restart my PC.
Did i miss something or i am just plain stupid?

Or do it just take a few hours to change the Files in the Cache of Makerworlds Server?

Any Advice is gladly accepted :wink:

Have you made sure that the profiles have new new part as well?

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, i figured it out after trying out a while. I am pretty new to this and this time was my 1st attempt to edit an existing model/file.

I have uploaded the new printprofile and marked the old one as “private”, now it seems to load the edited file or even when i download the changes are working.

There are few more things to learn here :wink:

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