USB? Hole in P1P

Does anyone know what this thing opposite the SD card slot is? It looks like it’s for a USB port or something.
Thanks in advance!

Interesting question. Based on the drawings in the manual the X1 uses a different plastic piece there so it is not for the X1.

And, in the P1P manual drawing it is not shown.

Is your Printer on your Toilet? :slight_smile:

Well there is a poop chute container there…. makes sense.

there’s an USB port in the frame, behind the screen, which you can use to power external devices (e.g. webcams). You can use that hole to pass the cable to connect there (I guess this was the original intention :slight_smile:)

Does anyone know if there’s a way to ADD a USB data connection to the P1P? I want to use my palette 3 pro on it!

the firmware is completly closed even if you would get a data connection there is no way to send the printer any command

if you want to print multicolor, get an AMS