User Presets Collection on GITHUB

This repository is dedicated to storing presets that have been meticulously crafted and optimized for use in 3D printing and slicing applications. Whether you’re a 3D printing enthusiast, engineer, or designer, our collection of presets aims to simplify your workflow and elevate your 3D printing experience.


N I C E ! ! !

I applaud your efforts and contributions to the community. This is a welcomed edition.


Thanks, please feel free to contribute or just send me your presets and I will add them :slight_smile:

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Sir, you are a star, thank you so much for your effort.

Thanks! Please also share your presets to expand the list even further. You can also send me your profiles and I add them.

Howdy, happy to share mine, however mine are build around Custom Filaments in new Bambu\Orca, so presuimable you want the BASE filament and its Parent Custom filament as well? OR ???

  • basically how do you want them sent \ what parts

These .json in the \filamnent folder have very little info.

These \filament\base “parent” fiilament files have majority of the important stuff, but in the case of above Red,Green, Blue, White - they are just a sub-preset of the parent “Sunlu PLA+” below.

Just to be clear why I am asking, the other filaments in your repository mostly “inherit” from other existing system filaments, so these will work for other people downloading them, however without my parent, my SUNLU PLA+ , my SUNLU PLA + B.GREEN etc will not, nor if you just posts the parent filament, will the people get all the different colour presets etc.

example existing from repository.

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