Variable outer layer height

A detailed model has to have a low layer height. This will be used for the whole print. I think it could be possible to only use a few outer layers with smaller layer heights and the infill with higher layer heights.

The printer could print 2 outer layer heights, than 1 single height which is double the height, then the outer again. Like this:

This will decrease print time dramatically i think. Not sure if it can be done but it is just an idea

This is similar to what “infill combination” achieves.

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How / where do i set this up?
If i check ‘infill combination’ I see the model has different infill heights, but the print takes for example 4:20 minutes with 0.08 layer height. If i disable infill combination all the layers are 0.08 but the print time is 4:23.

So infill combination gives me 3 minutes less print than without.
My idea (which i don’t know if possible) should almost halve the print time (ofcourse not as simple as i say it).

Infill combination gives me a lot of infill layers at 0.08

I think you’d have to print the 2 outer walls first but then you may run into issues printing overhangs.

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I had very similar thoughts when discovering variable layer heights. For the reasons mentioned by RMB, I discarded progressing on that idea for myself once I discovered the combined infill.

The background is the need to fill the gap created by angled walls (i.e. the whole reason behind this concept). While Arachne offers a rather nice opportunity for this particular, additional wall, it’s limitations regarding line width actually neccessitate up to 3 additional walls with the lowest layer heigth. I felt it more beneficial to retain the freedom of wall number choice and using the combined infill.