Warped bed on my A1?

Hey all!

So I’ve started to notice bed adhesion issues lately. I’ve exclusively been peinting with PLA on the provided textured PEI build plate. To give some background, I’ve been 3D printing for about 3 years. I started with an Ender 3 Pro, now own an X1C and recently purchased the A1. I run a tiny 3D print business named Berger Design Systems and Machinery LLC.

So, today I noticed that the PLA had stuck so badly to the build sheet in one corner that not even the metal razor blade scraper would get it off. The nozzle was so close to the bed in that corner, the PLA was nearly transparent. I had to pick it out with my finger nails in the end. Ugh… Anyway this prompted me to put a scale across the bed and I was surprised at how badly the opposite corner was warped. I submitted a ticket a little while ago to see what Bambu says. What do you guys think?

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I dont know what are you talking about, the printer works fine!

Woah!!! That’s terrible!! Glad I’m not going insane then. I could dial in my Ender sooo well. I feel trapped without bed knobs lol

Surprised seeing that. Did you try to run bed leveling in the printers settings. When doing bed leveling during calibration, it will run a finer grid and fine-tune the bed leveling done on every print.

I had something like that happening when I got the printer. My problem was that the build plate went on top of the right alignment pin at the back of the bed. Since then, I double check that the plate is aligned correctly. The latest release of Bambu studio mentions a new A1 firmware that checks plate position. I hope we will get that soon.

Oh yes absolutely everything checks out in these regards. Look at the pictures closely and you will see the build plate is positioned properly. I have run through a recal with no change. Auto bed leveling usually can’t deal with severe warps unfortunately. The software can typically handle small deviances, but large changes 1mm or more are typically too much. If I were to run this through Klipper/Mainsail, I’m sure the visual would be… enlightening lol

Any use ?

I´ve improve the quality of first layer, but found some inconsistence on some points of the bed. I dont know if its because bad manufacturing, dirty print plate, or bad consistence of filament flow.

I ran every test and manual calibration, and im starting with regular pieces to rate the process.

  1. Manual leveling with gcode and screws.
  2. Full machine calibration
  3. Manual dynamic flow calibration
  4. Manual velocity flow calibration
  5. First layer test after cleaning the plate
  6. Print some regular pieces
  7. Final conclussion.

I´m now on point 6.

I’ll try this as well!