Warped bed :( seems like a common QC issue

You’re right, it isn’t. But if you read this long a$$ thread the consensus is it’s a mounting problem involving the plastic, not the metal.

It’s generally believed that it happened after the machines were shipped. They probably tested the machines’ beds when cold then did a quick warmup test to check the heater, never rechecking the bed.

Before you say how that’s dumb, remember we’re discussing a production line here they certainly didn’t run the machines for hours at temp, that would result in 20 machines a week or something… LOL.

They’re handling it. Be patient it takes time they have to:

  1. Study the exact problem
  2. Have a discussion of possible fixes
  3. Get the fix designed
  4. Prototype to ensure it works
  5. Discover the new design has some other issue like wiring wrong or rubs
  6. Modify the design
  7. Create new prototypes
  8. Stress tested like hell and examine the results, possible design change.
  9. Get new molds made. Note this is almost certainly at a sub manufacturer so they’re dependent on their schedule.
  10. Have test runs of the new design molded
  11. Find there’s some issue with the mold, wait for new molds to be made
  12. Wait for manufacturer to run off a new batch of bed parts, again on their schedule.
  13. Have parts assembled, most likely by yet another manufacturer so there’s shipping involved and yet another manufacturer’s schedule to consider.
  14. Discover the there’s a delay on the plates or heaters or wires or connectors or … {Sigh}{Bambu team begins to beat heads on desk}{Again}
  15. Finally gets beds made, shipping time back to assembly line.
    And there’s all sorts of other possible roadblocks.

This is not to you @Thrawn, I know you are a voice of reason, but I JUST DON’T GET WHY YOU PEOPLE DON’T GET WHY IT TAKES TIME! THEY DON’T JUST WAVE THEIR HANDS TO GET NEW BEDS!! {End Rant Mode} :grin: :innocent:

Seriously, it takes time. They’re hard at it. Ranting here doesn’t help, it only works to gets it off your chest, eh?

I’m as frustrated as all of you, my bed had a .93mm bow! I Alum tape fixed for now, I want a new bed too, but it’s just not a quick thing. Months not weeks. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for letting me get off my frustration @Thrawn :grin: :+1: